Booking Online:

Most of our classes and services can be booked online! Visit our scheduling page to find the service for you.


Clinic locations:

Corsham Physiotherapy,
9 Pickwick Park, Park Lane
Corsham, Wiltshire
SN13 0HN

The Stoneyard, Old Orchard, Bath BA1 5AX


You can book online here.

If you are looking for additional support or have any questions that you can’t find in our FAQs, you can fill in the form below and I’ll be in touch within 2 business days.

Contact Form


Hi, I’m Claire! I love helping new mums feel comfortable and strong in their post partum bodies.

I have 15 years of clinical expertise in treating conditions that occur during pregnancy, postpartum and menopause, and during my career, I’ve worked for the NHS, Bupa and for the APPI, which is one of the world's leading Pilates institutions.